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About Pro-Life of Mercer County

We are a 501(c)(4) non-profit, service organization dedicated to a Right to Life Mission advocating for the sanctity of all human life. PLMC organized in 2003 to promote respect for the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. PLMC is a chapter of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, Inc.
PLMC seeks to reach out to the community and educate citizens in the western Pennsylvania region. We aim to be a resource center of information and facts about the moral implications, and severe and adverse consequences, to our civil, American society caused by the continued proliferation of the practices of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
Please visit our Pro-Life Links page.

Pro-Life of Mercer County Board of Directors

Jean Balcerzak
Jeanne Croyle
Karen Crispen
Kathy DeJoy
Melody Harris
Margaret Hurl
Don Reed, Sr.
Joanne Schell
Julie Swartfager
Susan Wallace
Image by Robbin Huang

Annual Prayer Breakfast

Since 2003, PLMC has organized and presented an annual breakfast event which is usually held in February. In attendance are laypeople, religious representatives, and politicians. The annual breakfast includes patriotism, prayers, and is highlighted by a keynote speaker. February 24th, 2024 is the date of our last breakfast. Our guest speaker was Monica Migliorino Miller.

Mobilizing Unplanned Movie Showing

In 2019, PLMC was able to work with other regional organizations to arrange for a Shenango Valley theater presentation of the movie Unplanned, rated R for "disturbing/bloody images" per the Motion Picture Association. Unplanned portrayed the story of a Planned Parenthood facility manager, Abby Johnson, revolted by the violent and deadly reality of abortion.
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